Our Services



This usually consists of between one and three sessions (depending on the areas of concern) and includes detailed history taking, observation and standardised assessment. 

Following this, recommendations will be made regarding intervention and any strategies that may be helpful in promoting your child’s development of communication skills. A full written report will be provided within three weeks of the final assessment session.

We offer a free 15 mins phone consultation to determine if an assessment would be beneficial.



Therapy sessions are provided on a one-to-one basis and are typically 45 minutes long. For your convenience, we offer both face-to-face and online Telehealth sessions

We believe that active parental involvement is an essential part of therapy and that practice is key to embed new communication skills into the real world. As a result, we recommend (where possible) that parents observe all therapy sessions.

To find out more, get in touch.


Conditions we cover:

We offer therapy for a wide range of communication and learning difficulties including (but not limited to):

  • Articulation and Phonological difficulties (speech sounds)

  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech

  • Developmental Language Disorder

  • Written Language Disorders including reading and spelling difficulties

  • Autism

  • Stuttering